Can I be honest with you? I’ve been feeling completely uninspired lately. Not sure if it’s the quarantine, the uncertainty, or simply the pressure of feeling like I have to be exceedingly productive during this time. Isn’t it crazy how even in a time where we find ourselves in the same situation as almost every other person on earth,  we still find ways to play the comparison game? Scrolling through the gram thinking “She is so much more productive than me” “She is doing all these creative activities with her family at home” “She baked a better-looking banana bread” (We all know that baking banana bread has become a quarantine right of passage 😉  All these thoughts that started to seep in, made me realize that I had to do some serious soul searching. Because my response is my responsibility- not anyone else’s.

I’ve always been fixated on this idea that the goal in life is to thrive- not just survive. That I have to excel at everything, and that there are no excuses. And while that motto has kept me motivated, sometimes friends we need to be reminded that there is no shame in surviving. No shame in admitting that you don’t know what to do next, and simply putting one foot in front of the other to do the best with what you have. There is humility in surviving and a helplessness that I think I need to feel sometimes to prioritize what truly matters. And if this time has taught me anything, it’s that there is beauty in the hustle, the work, the busyness. There is also beauty in the rest, the chaos, and the unknown because it compels us to surrender all the things we THINK we have figured out. If you are feeling motivated and empowered to get things done every day, you are amazing. If you are simply navigating each minute as it comes- you are equally as amazing. If you’re reading this, you are enough, right where you are, and we will get through this. Sometimes in life, all you need to do is just BE.

xo, Mata Leiataua



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  1. Lindsay wrote:

    This resonated with me! Thank you 🙂

    Posted 4.30.20

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