Bold Swimwear for Summer

Well friends, as they say…April Showers bring….scorching hot weather here in Southern CA. This weekend definitely felt like Summer, with our weather hitting the mid 90’s. Kuinise and I are self-isolating like everyone else here in the US, but sunny days and warmer climates have me dreaming of the beach and human interaction (and while we’re at it… a meal that I didn’t make myself). I’m planning ahead for the moment lockdown lets up and am most excited about enjoying some long Summer days outside the confines of my street. In case you’re right there with me, I’ve rounded up a few bold and bright bathing suits guaranteed to add the fun to your sun!


One-piece swimsuits have come a long way and can be such a sexy and flattering option. Since you’re showing less skin, you can opt for fun details like a plunging neckline or cheeky booty. Here are some of my favorite options (click on each to shop)


I’m personally a huge fan of the high-waisted bikini, but there is nothing better than a carefree Summer day laying out and catching rays (safely of course…pass the SPF) in a fun and flirty two-piece.


Thank you for reading! Tell me, what are you most looking forward to about Summer?

xo, Mata Leiataua





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