26 Lessons I’ve Learned in 26 Years

Last year when I turned 25 I was honestly freaking out. I don’t know if it’s because it marked my quarter-of-a-century milestone, but I felt like 25 was just so big. Like- no more messing around, time to get your life together, you’re officially an adult kind of big. I celebrated another year around the sun on Monday (9/10), only this time I didn’t feel that pressure at all (probably because I realized that I might never have it all together, and that’s just fine with me.) In the spirit of turning another year older and (supposedly) wiser, I thought it might be fun to recap twenty-six of the most valuable things I’ve learned thus far. I know, I know….some of you are reading this thinking, ‘twenty six? ha! what do you know about ‘life lessons?’ And you’re probably right. I’ll look back on this one day and chuckle at how naive I was back in 2018. However, I do believe that there is power in recognizing personal growth at any stage and taking a moment to reflect on how your thoughts, mindset and actions have progressed over time.

  1. What consumes your mind controls your life.
  2. Learn how to accept the apology you never received and forgive people who aren’t sorry.
  3. Dreams don’t work unless you do.
  4. Everything begins with gratitude.
  5. Actually believe in what you pray for. (And be willing to back it up with action when God gives you direction)
  6. You don’t need to explain yourself to people.
  7. Being busy isn’t the same as being productive.
  8. Sometimes your inner circle decreases in size, but increases in value.
  9. Forgive others as much as you expect God to forgive you.
  10. Talking about problems and complaining can become a weird addiction. Instead, talk about joys and embrace positivity.
  11. No response is indeed still a response- you decide where you invest your energy and not everything/everyone deserves it.
  12. You will never look into the eyes of someone God does not love; treat them accordingly.
  13. Live life with intention.
  14. Sometimes the only thing standing in your way, is you.
  15. The best way to get along with people is to not expect them to think exactly like you.
  16. A small step forward is still a step forward.
  17. God is bigger than anxiety (…and every other obstacle you’re facing).
  18. Never stop learning. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.
  19. Always, always, always tell those close to you that you love them.
  20. You can’t pour from an empty glass. It’s not selfish to make yourself a priority. It’s also not selfish to say ‘no’ when necessary.
  21. You can’t please everyone. Nor are you meant to. Be yourself and you will attract your people.
  22. You’ll never regret going out of your way to make someone’s day.
  23. Focus on fulfilling your purpose, and you won’t be distracted with comparison.
  24. One of the best things you can do, is take accountability for yourself. Don’t make excuses. Apologize when necessary, and take ownership of your impact on others.
  25. Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life.
  26. Learn to let things go. 

Thanks for reading. What are some of the most important things you’ve learned? I’d love to hear!



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  1. Stephani wrote:

    I love this Mata! What a great way to honor your birthday! I think every year I learn that I cannot control every situation and to just roll with it and continue just doing what I can and doing my best! Hope you have a very happy birthday sweet friend!!

    Xo, Steph

    Posted 9.14.18
    • leilovecreative wrote:

      Thank you for reading Steph! This is so true. I’ve been working on that too. You are amazing friend! xoxo!

      Posted 9.14.18

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