We’ve all been there. Suddenly, it’s 5pm and you realize you’ve accomplished absolutely nothing. As you look down at the crumbs on your desk from the fulfilling lunch of Doritos you had, you think to yourself ‘I need more hours in the day!” I find myself in this boat more often than I’d like to admit, but fortunately there are a few simple strategies that can be implemented to increase and maximize productivity. I recently read a book called the Compound Effect in which author Darren Hardy discusses the value of making tiny choices every day that eventually compound into larger big picture changes. It’s a mindset that each choice you make, though it may seem insignificant can add up to a completely different lifestyle over time. Spending 40 hours a week at work can really drain even the most creative person, but with a few tweaks to your schedule you can find simple ways to feel recharged and maximize your productivity.
1.Go to Sleep Early: I personally struggle with this. With busy work days, and extracurricular events I feel like it’s 11pm by the time I’m getting home, eating dinner, washing my face, watching ‘Friends’ for 2 hours, and then finally dozing off around 1:30/2:00am. Truth be told, there is some validity to the age-old saying ‘early to bed, early to rise, makes a (wo)man healthy, wealthy, and wise.’ Our bodies need sleep, and it eventually catches up to us when we are exhausted. If you are having a hard time getting to bed at a decent hour, you could try avoiding stimulants such as sugar, and caffeine (…duh!), but also have a bedtime routine that you complete every night. This can vary, but could be something like: wash your face, brush your teeth, read a devotional, and pray with your spouse. Routines are important, because they prepare us for what’s to come. Accomplishing a sequence of intentional steps sets you up for success and puts you on the road to ultimate productivity.
2. Speaking of success- Wake up early. C’mon– you knew that was coming! I love to sleep in. I mean, I was that kid that would still be catching flies at 10am on Christmas morning. However, the older I am, the more unproductive I feel when I sleep in. Don’t get me wrong- I have spent many ‘a day sleeping in until the last possible second, managing to gather my hair into something mildly resembling a bun, put on whatever leggings I found on the floor, and hustle out the door all within 5 minutes. But I can tell you that I set the tone for my day in each of those hurried instances. I look a mess, and I feel a mess. Put your best foot forward and wake up early. Have a morning routine (there goes that “R” word again!). Establish things that make you look forward to waking up. Plan to take a shower with your favorite invigorating body scrub or plan an exciting breakfast before you go to bed. My favorite trick is to set out my clothes the night before. Sounds strange, but knowing that I have a cute outfit planned makes waking up less of a dread.
3. Make a List: One of my biggest set backs when it comes to being productive is getting distracted. When I really need to buckle down and focus, I make a list. Like I literally get out a pen and paper, and make a to-do list of things I need to accomplish for that day. For me, there is something about seeing tasks written down that makes them seem more attainable and easier to manage. I also love the satisfaction of checking things off my list and seeing the tasks diminish. I like to keep cute doodle and sketch pads handy, like these! Getting stuff done on cute paper seems like the only way to go!
4. Set Short-Term Goals: When trying to increase productivity, it’s often tempting to look at the big picture and analyze everything that needs to happen to get you there. However, that can be very overwhelming especially when you don’t know where to start. Setting small short-term goals, that you can accomplish within the day or week, will help to shrink that daunting big picture, into nothing more than another thing to check off the list.
5. Assign a Timeline: It’s not only important to determine what those short-term goals are, but also when you would like to accomplish them. Assign an ideal timeline with tangible dates for when you should be taking your next step with those goals, and when you would like to have them completed.
6. Don’t Multitask: Let’s face it: We live in a world where everyone multitasks. You can drive with your knees, text, eat a burger and put on mascara at the same time. (Don’t even lie….we’ve all done it!) But really, how productive are you? Just because you are getting several things done at once does not mean they are being done well. Focus on a task (or your short-term goals for the day), and get them done. It’s better to complete a few small things exceptionally well, than 10 projects that do not reflect your best work. You will likely have to spend unnecessary time going back and fixing mistakes you made while you were in a hurry.
7. Take Breaks: This is crucial. While it’s important not to multitask, you also need to make sure that you don’t run yourself into the ground by not allowing yourself break time. Give yourself a few moments to stretch your legs, walk outside, have a snack, and give your brain some downtime. This way you will alleviate any frustration from spending too much time on one task, and will be more focused when it comes time to finishing your project. You will also be less likely to be detoured by distraction or boredom.
8. Learn How to Say No: In addition to going to sleep early, this is another one that does not come easily for me. I used to have the hardest time telling people ‘no’. The bottom line is that there is a healthy boundary between helping others, and biting off more than you can chew. I’ve found myself in many situations where I was unnecessarily stressed out over projects that weren’t even mine– because I had committed to taking on too much for others. To maximize your productivity, learn to politely decline things that you know you can’t add to your plate. No one will respect you any less, and you are doing yourself a huge favor in the long run.
9. Take Time to Work Out: There has never been a single work out that I’ve regretted. Simply carving out some time in your day to work out (mornings work best if you are on a busy schedule) will make you feel insanely productive! Just knowing that you’ve managed to get some exercise in does wonders for your mind and body. When you find a routine that you can stick with, it’s even easier to find the time. You can get creative with your workout or just do a quick 30 minute cardio and stretch. You will instantly feel more productive and that you’ve accomplished more with your day.
10. Be Kind To Yourself: When things don’t go according to plan, and you sleep in an extra 15 minutes or stay up late watching the new episode of Game of Thrones–forgive yourself and try again tomorrow. Productivity doesn’t happen over night, and beating yourself up about not sticking to your schedule won’t do any good. You can definitely develop a more productive mindset by changing the way you think about these mini tasks each day, but also give yourself room to be human. (Plus….Game of Thrones is important. You may be tired, but at least you have your priorities in order!)
Is there something specific that you do to stay on task? Share it with us!